Thursday, July 23, 2009

G-Walk, bitch!

Looks like I forgot the scale...let's just say one of those numbers is about the size of a classroom building.

I had a lot of shit to do today. I have no bike and no car, so I had to walk everywhere today. Let me tell you something. Living in Williamsburg sucks for many reasons, and one that I might not have mentioned is the fact that it's hot and humid all the time. It started raining today while it was still sunny and hot as shit. What the fuck. Anyway, there's not much more for me to say here, and I'll give an explanation for each leg of the journey.

  • Home (X) to Swem Library (2), 2.39 miles. I skipped 1 because that's how I roll, aka I forgot to take that measurement. I just added them together. I went to the Bursar's Office (1) to ask about my bill - got that question answered real quick. I went to Swem and got on the computer because I still had like 30 minutes before I needed to be around for the filming.
  • Swem to Campus Center (3), 0.59 mile. Got to the Campus Center to film educational videos right at 1pm, was told that I would be a runner and that filming would begin in a dorm room.
  • Campus Center to Jamestown Hall (4), 0.25 mile. Dorm. First group of scenes.
  • Jamestown Hall to University Center (5), 0.5 mile. Tried to find a good place to film a running scene; that was the best one. Ran back and forth about 10 times. Fucked up lines twice. I had the sheet in front of me.
  • University Center to Post Office (6), 0.67 mile. Picked up money orders and stamps to pay the bills. 50% of the people in there were eligible for the AARP. Went pretty fast though.
  • Post Office to Williamsburg Public Library (7), 0.2 mile. Applied for community service.
  • Williamsburg Public Library to Swem (8), 0.71 mile. Found a place to sit down and use the computer while I was filling out the money orders and envelopes and shit.
  • Swem to Post Office (9), 0.97 mile. Dropping them off in the actual post office to make sure they get picked up today.
  • USPS to Bloom (10) back home, 1.79 miles. Finally, at 4:34, I head home. But I need a fucking 40 for my efforts, so I stop at Bloom, and just carry it home from there. Then I walk inside and realize that I can still catch the repeat of SportsNation and I decide that it's a pretty good day after all.

Total distance traveled (estimate): 8.02 miles


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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Living in Williamsburg, Virginia

The basketball "court" with the oval hoop. Oval = not right.
Living in an apartment by yourself is terrible. You might think "whatever you wanna do, you can do it, because nobody's gonna stop you or see you or whatever you may choose to do" but there aren't that many things that I really do that I wouldn't want people to see. Here is my average daily itinerary:
  • Between 10:30am and 12:00pm: Wake up hungover. I turned 21 about a month ago and it's been a lot of drinking since then. I wake up with my laptop sitting near me and I don't know what I was doing on the computer before then. I've made some awful beats doing that. There's also some type of drink (sports, soda, or water) to keep me from getting hungover...never works.
  • After waking up, I'll chill on the internet and act a fool for as long as I can before I run out of internet sites to look at (hip-hop blogs, sports news, porn, whatever else catches my eye).
  • Don't eat anything for hours(the hangover diet is working well for me though - I can see my obliques for the first time in a long time).
  • Contemplate going to the basketball court (shown above), then don't do it because it's between 89 and 103 degrees, with 95-100% humidity guaranteed and a chance of rain that NEVER, EVER comes.
  • Awkwardly walk by the people that live upstairs. They seem OK, but probably aren't the people that would be willing to hang, watch Operation Repo or Daisy of Love, and drink on 40s, but to each their own.
  • Hop on a bike I don't own and ride to Bloom.
  • Buy more drinks.
  • Look at my bank account dwindle, and by no means should I call my ex-boss to get my paycheck that I worked "hard" for (aka eat bologna sammiches at the computer)
  • Make sure to catch at least one episode of Law & Order, Jerry Springer, and the Steve Wilkos Show.
  • Eat terribly greasy food when I'm ready.
  • Listen to Gucci Mane.
  • Drink 4 Mountain Dews.
  • Think about the 88.5 hours of community service that I have to do, as well as the $359 for restitution and $65 for probation costs that I have to pay.
  • Try to keep from crying by reminding myself that I'm not in jail, and in May, I'll be a man without a criminal record and I'll be off probation.
  • Look outside and see people with their friends enjoying the pool.
  • Watch Family Guy and/or whatever Nationals game is on.
  • Look in the mirror and shake my head at myself.
  • Drink more.
  • Drink even MORE.
  • More Gucci Mane.
  • Try to make a beat before you realize that your name doesn't rhyme with Beethoven or Dr. Fray.
  • Realize that my life is a disaster and head to sleep, only to lay (or lie) there wondering when it'll all be over.

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