Thursday, March 26, 2009

The McTipDrill

The preview is right below this post. But fuck the teasing, it's time for you to meet the McTipDrill.


  • 5.3+5.3+5.0=15.6 oz
  • 390+390+360=1140 calories
  • 19+19+16=54 g of fat
  • 920+920+830=2670 mg of sodium

The first, second, and third things that you should know about this monstrous meal are as follows:

  • This thing will kill you,
  • this thing will kill your children, and the worst one,
  • this thing won't feel remorse.

The sandwich itself was alright. I thought the McGangBang (McGB) was better than the McTipDrill (McTD), but if this wasn't all that much worse. My main problem with this sandwich was that there wasn't the same chicken and beef flavor that you get with the McGB. There was too much flavorless beef and not nearly enough slightly seasoned chicken patty. Not much more to say because the GB and the TD are pretty much the same thing and are very good.

Rating: 4/5 - tastes good, makes you want to die.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

The McTipDrill

Allow me to introduce you to the McTipDrill:

Inspired by the McGangBang, this monstrosity of a burger was constructed out of a McChicken and not one, but two McDoubles. This six bunned heart-attack of a meal has reached otherworldly levels of fast food perfection and is probably the most unhealthy thing on the planet that you can eat for the low price of $3 (+ tax). However, side-effects of the burger may include the itis, projectile vomit, and bowel movements too horrid to be described on such a modest blog.

Here's a layer-by-layer breakdown of the burger in all of its 3000 calorie glory:

cheese slice,
beef patty,
bun #2,
cheese slice #2,
beef patty #2,
bun #3,
lettuce (for your health),
chicken patty,
bun #4,
fancy ketchup,
cheese slice #3,
beef patty #3,
bun #5,
cheese slice #4,
beef patty #4,
bun #6.

Your favorite neighborhood bully will be posting his thoughts on the burger soon. (I was too scared to even touch the damn thing). So check back with us later to find out the answer to the question on everyone's mind: Did he hate it or love it? Is he gonna shine or did his heart stop?

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Freed Gucci Mane

(Don't mind the white hands.)

I know I'm about a week late, but...
GUCCI MANE IS FREE. GUCCI MANE IS FREE. GUCCI MANE IS FREE. You have no idea how excited I was to hear this news. Of course, he threw a party and had a concert the day he got out, and he was in the studio within hours of that ending, and has pretty much been in the studio, walking to the studio, or thinking about when he's going to the studio for the past week. There's a billion hip-hop blogs talking about the facts behind his release, so if you want that shit, go read those blogs. Right now, I'm about to make this post all about me.
Here's some of what I was doing while Gucci Mane was in jail.

Listening habits (in the past 6 months):

Artists -
Gucci Mane - 863 listens
Shawty Lo - 268
T-Pain - 259
Yo Gotti - 390
OJ Da Juiceman - 307
Plies - 144
Gorilla Zoe - 132
Lil Wayne - 100
Rocko - 88
Young Jeezy - 81
J-Money - 70
Young Dro & Yung LA - 68
I'm not a very diverse music listener, but I am changing slowly. Anyway, let's go to the top 500 tracks.
Let's not.

In my top 50 songs in the past 6 months, Gucci Mane appears in 19 of them. Yo Gotti appears in less than that (about 10 less).
I could go on and on with this statistical shit, but I won't. All I wanted to show is that even though I said Yo Gotti was going to be my favorite rapper until Gucci Mane got out, Gucci Mane continued to release mixtapes, and so it's like he was never gone. I think it might have been all for hype - maybe like a hoax to get his buzz up. We'll just have to see, won't we? Maybe I'll blog about it.

*To tell the truth, I really just wrote this blog so I could put the terrible picture up.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Saturday, March 7th, 2009 -

I wake up at about 10am feeling mad useless. It's time to go back to Northern Virginia today (read the previous post to see how my fellow blogger and myself both feel about NOVA) and I have about an hour to get everything packed away. It's all good, the last night was great, especially since the Cavs lost (LeBron James missed a dunk and I went crazy), whatever, no reason to complain. My friend and I headed back north, and the car ride consisted of listening to metal and DMX and cursing under our breaths everytime we passed a stupid fuckin Cracker Barrel. We go to McDonald's and we get food. We go back to my friend's house and he wants to watch MTV Jams, and I couldn't complain. Our new favorite rapper, OJ Da Juiceman, has a new video and about 3 minutes after I said "What if OJ Da Juiceman's new video comes on?", it did. Hell yeah. So We go to a thrift store to go get some hats and they're all tight as shit. He takes me home and drops me off and I unload all my shit into the room. I'm home, and it kinda sucks.

So I'm trying to leave. Unfortunately, I have no car, so I have to borrow my dad's car. I ask him to borrow it because I need to go to Big Lots and get some 60 cent energy drinks to sip upon during the break (I've already run out, and it's Tuesday). He says fine, why don't you get some Chinese food while you're at it, and so I go.

This is where shit gets real real. REAL real.

I'll skip the purchase, because there's nothing special. I come out and head over to the car. Before I can make it to the driver's seat, some 14 or 15 year old lookin girl comes up to me. This is what happened after she walked up to me.
Her: "Hey, there's a party at my house tonight and I'll be home alone after that."
I wanted to shit myself, but that would have been embarassing and I would have had to buy clothes to wear on the ride home.
Me: "Oh, that's cool."
Her: "It's in [neighborhood]."
I didn't hear her.
Me: "What?"
Her: "It's in [neighborhood]. [Address]."
This is when I realized something that I'll mention in a second. I had to leave, and I had to leave at that moment.
Me: "Oh, ok, I know where that is, maybe I'll stop by. Thanks."
What I realized is that the address she gave was exactly five houses from where I lived as a child. That might not be a coincidence, but it was really gross to me seeing as how this child wanted an older dude to show up to a party where there would probably be enough alcohol and chips for me to get tipsy and almost full. It's possible that she expected that this dude with the college T-shirt would just automatically bring a 24 pack of Keystone Light, but that never crossed my mind. Anyway, all the memories of my childhood in that neighborhood went through my head and I shook my head and got in the driver's seat, and drove away as fast as possible. I was so shaken up that I forgot to capitalize on this:

because of course, there's no KFC within 8 miles of my damn house. Fuck my life.

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nova is the worst

Since antiquity, humans have speculated as to the nature of the underworld, the morbid abyss to which evil souls are condemned to sit for eternity and repent for their sins. The very thought of Hell, the vast unknown, and torture that extends beyond time and space has inspired crushing fear in ordered societies throughout history. Truly, though, the question has always been "what", not "why".

Mankind, look no further. I shall here reveal to you once and for all the true face of Hell.

I can list maybe one or two good things about being home.

1) I get to listen to good talk radio live.

2) I don't pay for food.

That second one shouldn't even count, since whenever I don't pay for food I have to spend four-and-a-half hours out with my family I could be doing something more productive, like staring at the wall.
Really, NovA is the greater of two evils. Williamsburg is plagued by frat boys who drink Natty Light and take advantage of Freshmen girls. NovA is plagued by aging frat boys who drink Red Wine and take advantage of their ugly girlfriends. The most pronounced difference really is that the ones at NovA all think that they went to Harvard University because they hold a 9-5 in Reston, and as such carry an air of swagger around with their Brooks Brothers that makes me want to throw up all over my long-sleeved black Merdona shirt I got at target for less than a bag of popcorn at Reston Town Center (Watchmen is good, especially if you like glowing cancerous penis).

What really distinguishes Northern Virginia is that 99% of the people have the Apple mentality: you should refurnish your house to match your iPod. These guys land a job doing god knows what (if they have to wear a suit to work, you will know, because they will keep it on all day so that you know they are important), they get a Blackberry or some analogous contraption and then they think they're Bill Gates and Paris Hilton combined. Got hair? Slick it back. Don't play sports? Buy $500 golf clubs. Don't play golf? Buy $1000 golf clubs. Burn your T-Shirts, buy polos, buy sunglasses worth as much as a developing country, get the khakis, get designer jeans, and only eat at Chipotle.

Speaking of Apple, after trying for four months to resurrect my iPod I got 5 years ago, I called the time of death and went to the Apple store in Tysons to buy a new iPod. I should have just put a nail gun to my balls and pulled the trigger, because it would have been almost as painful and cost me about $200 less. In my admittedly modest recollection, stores traditionally operate in this fashion:

- You look for what you want. If you can't find it, you ask someone.

- When you find it, you pick it up and bring it to the cashier.

- The cashier facilitates an exchance in which your cash is traded for their their goods in an amount quoted prior to your meeting via a price tag.

- Get the hell out.

Such is not the case with the Apple store. It turns out that the Apple store is not run like traditional establishments, an astonishing parallel to their products, since neither works worth a damn.

Something like this has gone down before every visit I've had to the Apple store (which total one):

- Before you enter the store, drop to your knees and pray there's no one in there that recognizes you.

- Enter the store, find object you need.

- Attempt to pick it up.

- It's locked to the stand, dumbass.

- Try and find a box below the stand with the object you need.

- There is only air below the stand. You look like a tool.

- Look for a ticket for the object you need behind the price tag.

- Nope, there's just a price tag there, and you removed it. Everyone's looking at you.

- Don't put it back, it's too late. Just walk away.

- Swallow your pride and ask someone for help.

- Realize that they (obviously) have all of their iPods behind the checkout counter, and you should get in line.

- Talk to some soccer mom about how much this system sucks, and be ignored the second you drop a curse word.

- Some guy with the satellite PDA from Doom III flanks you and asks if you're there to check out, even though you have nothing.

- Tell him you want an iPod.

- He pulls you out of line in pedophile fashion and begins to offer you one of four million accessories/warrantees/sexual favors.

- Five minutes later he produces a plastic tube and charges you $206.45 for it. You pray there is an iPod inside, but at this point you could care less.

- Get the hell out.

This is really a metaphor for what home is to me. Everything is nicer, but at a terrible cost. People expect you to do things you don't want to do, because you're used to lazying about in your dorm room all day. They act offended when you sleep until 11 a.m. because they have to work.

When I go out, I am reminded of why I stay inside. Everyone has the "I'm the shit" aura. They want you to see the Starbucks. They want you to see their Sushi lunch. They want you to verify their empty existence, as if they are trying to say "Yeah, look, you thought I was stupid, but I made it." I take such intense pleasure in ignoring them. When I see in my periphery that they are looking at me, begging for a moment of recognition, it's not even scorn, it's pity.

At college, the douches are at least confined to certain quarters, and like a defensively dangerous animal, they will leave you alone if you leave them alone. Women will get drunk and forfeit their principles, claiming it was nothing in an attempt to recover their self-esteem. The men will laugh, and add another tick to their walls. The wonderful thing about this is that it is so remarkably simple to remove yourself from this tragic opera. Surely there is no more apt definition of "Hell" than when the things you despise are forced upon you.

My girlfriend is overseas having the time of her life. I am sitting at home, too embarrassed to go out with my family, stricken with pneumonia, shamefully listening to my new iPod. I've gained 10 lbs of pure fat. Every time I crack my neck, I pray that this is the one where I push it too far and sever my neck bone. The best time I've had so far on this break is when I was in the doctor's office and I could lie down by myself on the patient bed an enjoy 5 minutes of sweet silence. After it was over, I was approached by a man more successful than I will ever be who told me a violent bacteria is attacking my right lung, which is why it feels like I've been punched in the chest eight hours of every day.

Thank goodness, I reply. At least someone's having a good time.

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