Thursday, July 23, 2009

G-Walk, bitch!

Looks like I forgot the scale...let's just say one of those numbers is about the size of a classroom building.

I had a lot of shit to do today. I have no bike and no car, so I had to walk everywhere today. Let me tell you something. Living in Williamsburg sucks for many reasons, and one that I might not have mentioned is the fact that it's hot and humid all the time. It started raining today while it was still sunny and hot as shit. What the fuck. Anyway, there's not much more for me to say here, and I'll give an explanation for each leg of the journey.

  • Home (X) to Swem Library (2), 2.39 miles. I skipped 1 because that's how I roll, aka I forgot to take that measurement. I just added them together. I went to the Bursar's Office (1) to ask about my bill - got that question answered real quick. I went to Swem and got on the computer because I still had like 30 minutes before I needed to be around for the filming.
  • Swem to Campus Center (3), 0.59 mile. Got to the Campus Center to film educational videos right at 1pm, was told that I would be a runner and that filming would begin in a dorm room.
  • Campus Center to Jamestown Hall (4), 0.25 mile. Dorm. First group of scenes.
  • Jamestown Hall to University Center (5), 0.5 mile. Tried to find a good place to film a running scene; that was the best one. Ran back and forth about 10 times. Fucked up lines twice. I had the sheet in front of me.
  • University Center to Post Office (6), 0.67 mile. Picked up money orders and stamps to pay the bills. 50% of the people in there were eligible for the AARP. Went pretty fast though.
  • Post Office to Williamsburg Public Library (7), 0.2 mile. Applied for community service.
  • Williamsburg Public Library to Swem (8), 0.71 mile. Found a place to sit down and use the computer while I was filling out the money orders and envelopes and shit.
  • Swem to Post Office (9), 0.97 mile. Dropping them off in the actual post office to make sure they get picked up today.
  • USPS to Bloom (10) back home, 1.79 miles. Finally, at 4:34, I head home. But I need a fucking 40 for my efforts, so I stop at Bloom, and just carry it home from there. Then I walk inside and realize that I can still catch the repeat of SportsNation and I decide that it's a pretty good day after all.

Total distance traveled (estimate): 8.02 miles


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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Living in Williamsburg, Virginia

The basketball "court" with the oval hoop. Oval = not right.
Living in an apartment by yourself is terrible. You might think "whatever you wanna do, you can do it, because nobody's gonna stop you or see you or whatever you may choose to do" but there aren't that many things that I really do that I wouldn't want people to see. Here is my average daily itinerary:
  • Between 10:30am and 12:00pm: Wake up hungover. I turned 21 about a month ago and it's been a lot of drinking since then. I wake up with my laptop sitting near me and I don't know what I was doing on the computer before then. I've made some awful beats doing that. There's also some type of drink (sports, soda, or water) to keep me from getting hungover...never works.
  • After waking up, I'll chill on the internet and act a fool for as long as I can before I run out of internet sites to look at (hip-hop blogs, sports news, porn, whatever else catches my eye).
  • Don't eat anything for hours(the hangover diet is working well for me though - I can see my obliques for the first time in a long time).
  • Contemplate going to the basketball court (shown above), then don't do it because it's between 89 and 103 degrees, with 95-100% humidity guaranteed and a chance of rain that NEVER, EVER comes.
  • Awkwardly walk by the people that live upstairs. They seem OK, but probably aren't the people that would be willing to hang, watch Operation Repo or Daisy of Love, and drink on 40s, but to each their own.
  • Hop on a bike I don't own and ride to Bloom.
  • Buy more drinks.
  • Look at my bank account dwindle, and by no means should I call my ex-boss to get my paycheck that I worked "hard" for (aka eat bologna sammiches at the computer)
  • Make sure to catch at least one episode of Law & Order, Jerry Springer, and the Steve Wilkos Show.
  • Eat terribly greasy food when I'm ready.
  • Listen to Gucci Mane.
  • Drink 4 Mountain Dews.
  • Think about the 88.5 hours of community service that I have to do, as well as the $359 for restitution and $65 for probation costs that I have to pay.
  • Try to keep from crying by reminding myself that I'm not in jail, and in May, I'll be a man without a criminal record and I'll be off probation.
  • Look outside and see people with their friends enjoying the pool.
  • Watch Family Guy and/or whatever Nationals game is on.
  • Look in the mirror and shake my head at myself.
  • Drink more.
  • Drink even MORE.
  • More Gucci Mane.
  • Try to make a beat before you realize that your name doesn't rhyme with Beethoven or Dr. Fray.
  • Realize that my life is a disaster and head to sleep, only to lay (or lie) there wondering when it'll all be over.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shoutout to Hi Def

Our boy Hassan has a new blog that showed up just in time for the switchover to digital. Check out Hi Def Chillin at and follow this douche on Twitter. It's bound to be good, but if it turns out like straight trash, I'll be sure to let you all know.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

How I interpret this Iranian crisis

There's a whole lot of shit to understand. I have three options: either watch the news and watch my dick fall off from boredom, read Twitter and watch my eyes fall out from people's sheer ignorance and stupidity, or skim through Wikipedia and look at pictures, charts, bold words, titles of things, and numbers.

I did the third.

There's no reason for me to sit in my house and watch protests in a country that seems to have nothing going for it, ever. Especially when I can watch the Nationals win their fourth straight. (They might actually be good.) Anyway, here is what I am getting from the Wikipedia article:
  • Politics couldn't be more boring. There's a reason why old, rich, white men dominate - it's because they have no desire to do anything interesting, so they chill in politics.
  • The hundred polls that they have are terrible and obviously have no credibility.
  • Their electoral process is garbage. When you have a category for 'spoiled votes' and they account for about 1 out of every 50 votes, there's a major problem.
  • Why don't you get some non-corrupt people to watch over the vote tallying? Maybe because if you tell the truth, you'll get capped, because every motherfucker and their kids in that country got an AK.
That's all I learned.

So this Mousavi dude got done dirty and this Ahmadinejad dude is getting flossed for no reason. So what do you do as a country, Iran? Do you suck it up like America did when Al Gore allegedly got dicked out of the presidency? Do you try to make it work and let the president know that you as a nation are going to work to make your place a better place?

Or do you run into the dirt roads and ack a azz on what ends up being national TV?

They did the third.

My very easy to answer question is: Am I missing something extremely important, am I being extremely insensitive and ethnocentric, or do none of these people have jobs?

I'm guessing the first, second, AND third.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

And they say TV turns your brain into mush...

Cuntiness in the front, dykey in the back.

Bitch, my brain is on overdrive when I got the TV running. Thoughts pop into my head from all directions, kind of like penises into Paris Hilton's vagina (which will be referenced later in this post), or maybe like pins into a pincushion, for you people who have normal/nonperverted/nonchildish/evolved minds. It's not like I get my A Tale of Two Cities on, it's just a thought, maybe a wisecrack of some sort, and before, I've let them make their short appearance and then pass. Not this time. There were too many gems.

This all took place while I was flipping between ESPN and MTV. The national soccer team was playing Honduras on ESPN, an episode of True Life was on MTV, and I was eating Chinese food (roast pork fried rice to be exact, which I will be getting again before I leave this place and head back to school).

In no particular order:
  • MTV is awful in the worst way. I would rather rub Paris Hilton's vagina (see, I used it) in my eyeball than watch 85% of their programming.
  • If Twitterotica (Twitter + literotica) doesn't exist, it should - so that I can have something else to not give a rat's swollen left nut about.
  • 99% of True Life episodes are trash.
  • Bitch, your boobs are too big because you're 55 pounds overweight, not because you were born unlucky. You dumb bitch.
  • The Nationals won. I guess they're only 99,999 games under .500 now.
  • You have to be FUCKING kidding me. This enormous monstrosity of a yeti just said her large boobs (and please, stop calling them that, especially when you're talking to your moms [and isn't that an awkward conversation]) were turning guys off. What about your bad hairdo, your fat face, your triple chin, your arm flab, your gunt, your flat but still large and cottage cheesy ass, your thighs that make tree trunks jealous, your cankles, your fat feet which I assume you have, your bad clothes, your bad attitude, and your impudence.
  • Apparently there's no delay of game in soccer. Why don't you take a knife, pop the ball, piss in it, and then put it back down. That would actually be quicker.
  • 99% of American soccer fans are 'fans' because liking soccer means they're 'cultured.' Go lick culture's nutsack if you love it so much. (Licking the underside of a nutsack, to me, is a better display of affection than anything you could ever do, ever.)
  • "A Milli" sucks.
  • Fenway Park is the most poorly built thing I have ever seen or even heard about. The Ford Pinto laughs at the construction of Fenway Park.
  • If you don't hate the Red Sox, that's something we don't have in common.
  • If you don't want to mass murder the Red Sox fans that have no ties to Boston, or even Massachusetts, or even the East Coast north of Ellicott City, Maryland, and never watched baseball before they won the World Series, leap in front of a bullet train.
  • MTV should have a reverse parental control, since that whole channel is not suitable for anybody under 21.
  • When a bacterium multiplies, a soccer player falls down in the penalty box. A fly burping would be grounds for a penalty kick.
  • The only person who hears as much inane SHIT as a soccer ref is Jon of Jon & Kate Plus 8. It should be Jon & Kate's Cunty Hairdo Plus 8. The hair doesn't look good, and I assume the rug matches the drapes.
  • Listen to this for as long as you can. If you don't slit your wrists after 5.72 seconds, you're a better person than I am.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace, you are the CUNT OF ALL CUNTS. I know girls don't like when people say that, but sometimes you earn your title. If you have no aim in life and you leech off people, you're a bum, and there's no reason to sugarcoat it. If you mess around with young children, you're a kid-toucher, a pedophile, a creep. So why can't I call a woman that has less use in the world than a half-brown Q-Tip a cunt? I could call her a cum dumpster, a bitch, a vagina with a mouth, a useless woman, a stay-at-home twat, or anything like that. I choose cunt, and if you don't like it, suck eggs.

Also, McGraw Milhaven is in my top 10 for favorite people I've never heard of.

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LeBron vs. Kobe

This is gonna be a short one, because I'm not that happy about that ending to the game. He's really, really, ridiculously good at basketball, but the Magic did what the Pistons and Hawks couldn't do: Play like they had seen a basketball before for longer than a 3 minute stretch. The Cavs are human (which was obvious except for the LeBron the Decepticon, which I assume is a robot) and Orlando stole a game from the sacred Quicken Loans Arena (awful name). However, this isn't a sports blog, even though I will be comparing LeBron and Kobe like everybody else everywhere. This comparison will have almost nothing to do about basketball, so fasten your seatbelts, because it's the law.

1) Championship Rings - Kobe 3, LeBron, 0...Nothing to say here.

2) Kobe had 81 points in a game. LeBron hogs the ball as much as he can and still hasn't done that.

3) Kobe drafted lower than LeBron...that could go either way...

4) LeBron screams at his mother, probably every day. Newsflash, she brought you into this world, and she can take you right out. However, I laughed my ass off about that.

5) King James, meh. BLACK MAMBA. THIS KOBE GUY IS AFRICAN AND LONG...and venomous

6) Highschools in PA and OH. They both lose points here.

7) Kobe made music, LeBron made that Kid N Play commercial. Those lost points from #7 get made up here.

8) Kobe made game winning shots all day. LeBron made his first game-winning shot against the Golden State Warriors this year. That's my favorite team. SO FUCK YOU.

9) I consider LeBron to be like the really tall 11 year old with facial hair that was playing against the prepubescent Pokemon card collecting, snot-nosed brats that were 4-10 inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter. You're just a basketball bully in that case. Kobe on the other hand, is a skilled individual that blends in well, except for his skill (read: skee-eel).


10) White girls from Colorado railed out: Kobe 1 (or more!!!), LeBron (probably 0).

And therefore, Kobe Bryant is super fresh and his swag is so official.

Hit me on Twitter, look out for my album.

Oh, and if you have any other good comparisons going either way, post them in the comments section of this post or in that box to the right. -->

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Eminem's Relapse

Have you ever had sex with a Cambodian hooker only to find out she was a he and he was black? That's what listening to this album is like except there is more bass and bad singing. On the whole though, this was not bad.

Rating: 3/5

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's not that hard...

In the past few weeks, as the weather has begun to change and people are outside more, it seems like they don't remember how to walk outside in public. I have come to notice a bunch of different things that people do outside that shows they can't conduct themselves correctly in public. I will go into detail with them here, and you tell me whether or not these sound like they make sense.

1) Get the fuck out of the middle of the fucking sidewalk.

People don't understand that standing in the middle of the sidewalk and being 4 feet apart from each other isn't acceptable. You're making yourselves look like asses and you're embarrassing the entire human population when you block off more than half of a six foot wide sidewalk. You're bitches, and if i ever see you doing it again, I'm walking in between you, and I'll be leading a train in between your conversation that is SO EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you had to immediately stop and run your mouths about how awful you did on your last test. Get over yourself, bitch - you got an 83. You're making it all about you, and even though it looks like you might have your own orbit, you fat annoying bitch, the Earth does not revolve around you. Go leap off the top step of an escalator, because there's no way this bitch or her bitch friend are taking the stairs. And if they did, you won't be able to get around them unless the staircase is a hundred feet across. Makes me want to just chokeslam a bitch.

2) The fucking sidewalk does not belong to you and your fucking friends. Get in a fucking line.

For some reason, half of the students at this godforsaken college jog 12 miles a day, 8 days a week. I'm not talking shit about you jogging, I wish I had the discipline to run as often as a lot of these people do. And I'm sure running with your friends or teammates makes it easier, which I have no problem with. It's when you and 20 of your jogmates run down a 2 people sidewalk and make me have to walk off the sidewalk and straight into oncoming traffic. But that's not the main problem, because you can't really find good places to run around here with 20 people, so I don't get that angry about that. It's when you, your slow, homely, quasi-lesbian girlfriend (but only when she's drunk off 2 beers and a shot that it took her 30 minutes to finish), and her quasi-lesbian lover (yeah, bet you didn't know that about the love of your life) all decide to run down a sidewalk and there's obviously grass on one side, and I'm all the way on the right being courteous, and then Leann the Lezzie starts sprinting right at me. Then I have to move, or else I get the carpetmucher knuckle sandwich. I don't know where those knuckles have been, and I really, REALLY, don't want to. So I move. Bitch, go to my left, get on the grass, get behind somebody for 5 seconds (oh, the horror), or prepare for the Terry Tate smackdown.

3) It's called the "right" side for a reason.

Don't walk on the left side of anything. This isn't London, Australia, or some other bizarro world that you might live in. This is the United States of America where we do things right, on the right. We drive on the right, we write with our right hands (the normal ones do), and so on and so forth. So when you and I are walking in opposite directions, towards each other, I go to my right, and you go to yours. How many times have you done the awkward slide, where you both meet, and then you both go one way, then you stop, then you both go the other way, then both of you gesture, and then finally you figure out it 4 hours later? I've done it too many times, and I would like for that shit to stop. If we all work to walk in a normal fashion, everything can go perfectly. Until I trip over these bullshit uneven sidewalks.

4) I know you want to see the campus, but you DON'T HAVE TO WALK SO SLOWLY.

I'm getting tired of this, and so are you. I'll bullet this one.
  • You are not a student. Don't take up the awful sidewalks that students are paying to bust their asses on on a daily basis.
  • You are not 18 months old. You can take steps larger than 6 inches. So DO IT.
  • Take pictures, then walk. Don't wait for it to show up on the screen, and DO NOT admire your photo of the extremely hot freshman dorm (the dorms with vomit and awkward semen on every torn, uncomfortable bed) that you'll be living in and never leaving because nobody respects you because you're a cunt freshman.
  • Get off the sidewalk when you're looking at the map trying to find the English department. You asshole. You're sitting on the steps of the English building right now.

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Friday, April 3, 2009



At the time of this writing I am sitting, waiting for my flight at Richmond International Airport, more commonly known as "RIA" or "hell". I hate the airport for many reasons, not the least of which it shares the whole "this is cheap...just fucking kidding" element that the zoo has. For instance, entrance to the zoo is free, but if you would like to buy a MAP (that's right, BUY a MAP, the shit most other places shove in your face for free), it's gonna cost you an arm and a leg ($1) and your firstborn son to park ($20) if you want to stay there for over 3 minutes. Don't even get me started on trying to buy food or gifts at the zoo, that doesn't exist for me.

Imagine all that, only you're getting on a vehicle piloted by a guy who hates his job that will probably crash and you spent 600 dollars for the pleasure of getting your anal cavity searched for drugs before you even stepped on the vessel of death they call a "plane".


That would all be fine, because they let you know beforehand about everything you're paying for, and only complete idiot tools like me fly anywhere now, so I deserve it. What really blows is everything they don't tell you you have to suffer at the airport, which I have enumerated below (with the costs):

1) If you want to carry anything with you, it will cost you 15 american dollars. We had two bags.


That'll teach me to bring clothes when I'm going somewhere.

2) You have to get to the airport approximately one week before your plane arrives, so you have to buy something to drink in the main seating area. Plus, you're already tired and pissed because you hate flying and yourself, so it has to be something delicious. There's either 40 Caribou coffees or Starbucks at any given airport (depending on which CEO is blowing the head of management), so you need to stay awake before they murder you for being a terrorist.

I don't care if that makes sense.

2 small (!!!!) coffees: $9.05


3) Security blows. No one is a bad person in the world, and there is science to prove this fact. I am a stupid college student, there is no reason for me to even walk through a metal detector. Now Richmond is actually kinda good in this respect, since they are much friendlier than Dulles (turn around and drop your pants), the people are nice when they scan your ID with a blacklight, when they mark up your boarding pass, when they yell at you for having a cell phone (yeah why the fuck would you have a cell phone, idiot), and then make you walk through the damn thing fourteen times while they throw your girlfriend in the cube of interrogation for "random selection". MY ASS. SHE'S HOT, YOU SICK OLD MAN. Pervert.

RUNNING TOTAL: $39.05, my dignity, my girlfriend's right to privacy (as granted in the Constitution of the United States of America).

4) Food. Food. Food. I used to like eating at the airpoort (yeah, not a typo) because I didn't have to pay for anything, and the fact that the mini T.G.I. Fridays tasted like chicken ass didn't matter a shit. So there's one place to eat, and they have no food. Awesome. There's a bar next to it, and their menu is, SHOCKER, the same as the resturant next door. When we order food, the waitress GOES NEXT DOOR AND GETS THE FOOD FROM THAT RESTURANT. HOLY SHIT. We almost ordered some alcohol, but there was no price and we didn't wanna get shafted.

Oops, too late. You ordered something already. Shaft inc.

We got a "turkey sandwich" and a "chipotle wrap". What this was in actuality was two pieces of toast with some cheese(?) inbetween and a bag of chips. The wrap had turket and lettuce in the middle, no chipotle anything, and a kraft packet of ranch dressing on the side.

Normally, two thumbs up. You wanna be lazy with your food, that's fine. I eat on campus, and the people who serve me food on a daily basis hate their job, hate me, and hate themselves, so I'm used to it. This is where things get out of control, though.

Tab: $17.34. What...the fuck..was I thinking. There's a reason the price was half covered-up on their ghetto ass menus. Not to mention the one barmaid who was assigned to all two dozen patrons (and was so old she was probably fucked by a dinosaur) didn't come get our check until I practically stood up and asked her if I had to pay. She then didn't take my credit card until I did it again, but...shocker, again...had time to play grab-ass with some kids sitting next to us. I gave her a baller 3 dollar tip, too. I'm Barack Jesus F. Kennedy Christ.


5) This is where shit gets real. I was pissed, but up until now I had pretty much brought all of this upon myself by being retarded and flying. I was going to try and salvage the situation by getting some candy to drown my fat ass sorrows away, so I went to pick up some Swedish Fish from the Newstand/Magazine stand/Candy Shop/Adult Film Store across from the bar. There was no price tag, so I assumed they were free. The fat bitch at the front charged me 3.75 for them, though. I could just care less at this point, and I figured if three seventy five could erase all the bad memories , it would be worth it. Lo and behold, when I opened the bag and devoured the first fish, it was stale and tasteless. Okay, that was the first one, fine. I tried another. And another. And another. All these fucking fish were stale. I kept thinking the next one wouldn't be, but I kept on getting disappointed.

That's right. This goddamn airport is so bad it successfully corrupted the one holy and pure thing in the entire universe.

RUNNING TOTAL: $63.14, my faith in a higher power.



There is one good thing that could come of all this. We are going to Atlanta for a crossover onto another plane that will take us into the anus of the United States (St. Louis). If I am to believe the rap songs I cherish so dearly, the moment we arrive in the duurty souff we will be greeted Lil Jon, the Eastside boys, and all the alcohol and partying we could ever want. I think that this might make us break even.

I will report from Atlanta sometime in the next four hours, hopefully. Maybe we'll just crash and get this over with.

I just remembered I have a test on tuesday.

Oh yeah, wanna know what I'm going to St. Louis for? My grandfather's funeral.

This is the best day ever.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

The McTipDrill

The preview is right below this post. But fuck the teasing, it's time for you to meet the McTipDrill.


  • 5.3+5.3+5.0=15.6 oz
  • 390+390+360=1140 calories
  • 19+19+16=54 g of fat
  • 920+920+830=2670 mg of sodium

The first, second, and third things that you should know about this monstrous meal are as follows:

  • This thing will kill you,
  • this thing will kill your children, and the worst one,
  • this thing won't feel remorse.

The sandwich itself was alright. I thought the McGangBang (McGB) was better than the McTipDrill (McTD), but if this wasn't all that much worse. My main problem with this sandwich was that there wasn't the same chicken and beef flavor that you get with the McGB. There was too much flavorless beef and not nearly enough slightly seasoned chicken patty. Not much more to say because the GB and the TD are pretty much the same thing and are very good.

Rating: 4/5 - tastes good, makes you want to die.

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Monday, March 23, 2009

The McTipDrill

Allow me to introduce you to the McTipDrill:

Inspired by the McGangBang, this monstrosity of a burger was constructed out of a McChicken and not one, but two McDoubles. This six bunned heart-attack of a meal has reached otherworldly levels of fast food perfection and is probably the most unhealthy thing on the planet that you can eat for the low price of $3 (+ tax). However, side-effects of the burger may include the itis, projectile vomit, and bowel movements too horrid to be described on such a modest blog.

Here's a layer-by-layer breakdown of the burger in all of its 3000 calorie glory:

cheese slice,
beef patty,
bun #2,
cheese slice #2,
beef patty #2,
bun #3,
lettuce (for your health),
chicken patty,
bun #4,
fancy ketchup,
cheese slice #3,
beef patty #3,
bun #5,
cheese slice #4,
beef patty #4,
bun #6.

Your favorite neighborhood bully will be posting his thoughts on the burger soon. (I was too scared to even touch the damn thing). So check back with us later to find out the answer to the question on everyone's mind: Did he hate it or love it? Is he gonna shine or did his heart stop?

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Freed Gucci Mane

(Don't mind the white hands.)

I know I'm about a week late, but...
GUCCI MANE IS FREE. GUCCI MANE IS FREE. GUCCI MANE IS FREE. You have no idea how excited I was to hear this news. Of course, he threw a party and had a concert the day he got out, and he was in the studio within hours of that ending, and has pretty much been in the studio, walking to the studio, or thinking about when he's going to the studio for the past week. There's a billion hip-hop blogs talking about the facts behind his release, so if you want that shit, go read those blogs. Right now, I'm about to make this post all about me.
Here's some of what I was doing while Gucci Mane was in jail.

Listening habits (in the past 6 months):

Artists -
Gucci Mane - 863 listens
Shawty Lo - 268
T-Pain - 259
Yo Gotti - 390
OJ Da Juiceman - 307
Plies - 144
Gorilla Zoe - 132
Lil Wayne - 100
Rocko - 88
Young Jeezy - 81
J-Money - 70
Young Dro & Yung LA - 68
I'm not a very diverse music listener, but I am changing slowly. Anyway, let's go to the top 500 tracks.
Let's not.

In my top 50 songs in the past 6 months, Gucci Mane appears in 19 of them. Yo Gotti appears in less than that (about 10 less).
I could go on and on with this statistical shit, but I won't. All I wanted to show is that even though I said Yo Gotti was going to be my favorite rapper until Gucci Mane got out, Gucci Mane continued to release mixtapes, and so it's like he was never gone. I think it might have been all for hype - maybe like a hoax to get his buzz up. We'll just have to see, won't we? Maybe I'll blog about it.

*To tell the truth, I really just wrote this blog so I could put the terrible picture up.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Saturday, March 7th, 2009 -

I wake up at about 10am feeling mad useless. It's time to go back to Northern Virginia today (read the previous post to see how my fellow blogger and myself both feel about NOVA) and I have about an hour to get everything packed away. It's all good, the last night was great, especially since the Cavs lost (LeBron James missed a dunk and I went crazy), whatever, no reason to complain. My friend and I headed back north, and the car ride consisted of listening to metal and DMX and cursing under our breaths everytime we passed a stupid fuckin Cracker Barrel. We go to McDonald's and we get food. We go back to my friend's house and he wants to watch MTV Jams, and I couldn't complain. Our new favorite rapper, OJ Da Juiceman, has a new video and about 3 minutes after I said "What if OJ Da Juiceman's new video comes on?", it did. Hell yeah. So We go to a thrift store to go get some hats and they're all tight as shit. He takes me home and drops me off and I unload all my shit into the room. I'm home, and it kinda sucks.

So I'm trying to leave. Unfortunately, I have no car, so I have to borrow my dad's car. I ask him to borrow it because I need to go to Big Lots and get some 60 cent energy drinks to sip upon during the break (I've already run out, and it's Tuesday). He says fine, why don't you get some Chinese food while you're at it, and so I go.

This is where shit gets real real. REAL real.

I'll skip the purchase, because there's nothing special. I come out and head over to the car. Before I can make it to the driver's seat, some 14 or 15 year old lookin girl comes up to me. This is what happened after she walked up to me.
Her: "Hey, there's a party at my house tonight and I'll be home alone after that."
I wanted to shit myself, but that would have been embarassing and I would have had to buy clothes to wear on the ride home.
Me: "Oh, that's cool."
Her: "It's in [neighborhood]."
I didn't hear her.
Me: "What?"
Her: "It's in [neighborhood]. [Address]."
This is when I realized something that I'll mention in a second. I had to leave, and I had to leave at that moment.
Me: "Oh, ok, I know where that is, maybe I'll stop by. Thanks."
What I realized is that the address she gave was exactly five houses from where I lived as a child. That might not be a coincidence, but it was really gross to me seeing as how this child wanted an older dude to show up to a party where there would probably be enough alcohol and chips for me to get tipsy and almost full. It's possible that she expected that this dude with the college T-shirt would just automatically bring a 24 pack of Keystone Light, but that never crossed my mind. Anyway, all the memories of my childhood in that neighborhood went through my head and I shook my head and got in the driver's seat, and drove away as fast as possible. I was so shaken up that I forgot to capitalize on this:

because of course, there's no KFC within 8 miles of my damn house. Fuck my life.

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nova is the worst

Since antiquity, humans have speculated as to the nature of the underworld, the morbid abyss to which evil souls are condemned to sit for eternity and repent for their sins. The very thought of Hell, the vast unknown, and torture that extends beyond time and space has inspired crushing fear in ordered societies throughout history. Truly, though, the question has always been "what", not "why".

Mankind, look no further. I shall here reveal to you once and for all the true face of Hell.

I can list maybe one or two good things about being home.

1) I get to listen to good talk radio live.

2) I don't pay for food.

That second one shouldn't even count, since whenever I don't pay for food I have to spend four-and-a-half hours out with my family I could be doing something more productive, like staring at the wall.
Really, NovA is the greater of two evils. Williamsburg is plagued by frat boys who drink Natty Light and take advantage of Freshmen girls. NovA is plagued by aging frat boys who drink Red Wine and take advantage of their ugly girlfriends. The most pronounced difference really is that the ones at NovA all think that they went to Harvard University because they hold a 9-5 in Reston, and as such carry an air of swagger around with their Brooks Brothers that makes me want to throw up all over my long-sleeved black Merdona shirt I got at target for less than a bag of popcorn at Reston Town Center (Watchmen is good, especially if you like glowing cancerous penis).

What really distinguishes Northern Virginia is that 99% of the people have the Apple mentality: you should refurnish your house to match your iPod. These guys land a job doing god knows what (if they have to wear a suit to work, you will know, because they will keep it on all day so that you know they are important), they get a Blackberry or some analogous contraption and then they think they're Bill Gates and Paris Hilton combined. Got hair? Slick it back. Don't play sports? Buy $500 golf clubs. Don't play golf? Buy $1000 golf clubs. Burn your T-Shirts, buy polos, buy sunglasses worth as much as a developing country, get the khakis, get designer jeans, and only eat at Chipotle.

Speaking of Apple, after trying for four months to resurrect my iPod I got 5 years ago, I called the time of death and went to the Apple store in Tysons to buy a new iPod. I should have just put a nail gun to my balls and pulled the trigger, because it would have been almost as painful and cost me about $200 less. In my admittedly modest recollection, stores traditionally operate in this fashion:

- You look for what you want. If you can't find it, you ask someone.

- When you find it, you pick it up and bring it to the cashier.

- The cashier facilitates an exchance in which your cash is traded for their their goods in an amount quoted prior to your meeting via a price tag.

- Get the hell out.

Such is not the case with the Apple store. It turns out that the Apple store is not run like traditional establishments, an astonishing parallel to their products, since neither works worth a damn.

Something like this has gone down before every visit I've had to the Apple store (which total one):

- Before you enter the store, drop to your knees and pray there's no one in there that recognizes you.

- Enter the store, find object you need.

- Attempt to pick it up.

- It's locked to the stand, dumbass.

- Try and find a box below the stand with the object you need.

- There is only air below the stand. You look like a tool.

- Look for a ticket for the object you need behind the price tag.

- Nope, there's just a price tag there, and you removed it. Everyone's looking at you.

- Don't put it back, it's too late. Just walk away.

- Swallow your pride and ask someone for help.

- Realize that they (obviously) have all of their iPods behind the checkout counter, and you should get in line.

- Talk to some soccer mom about how much this system sucks, and be ignored the second you drop a curse word.

- Some guy with the satellite PDA from Doom III flanks you and asks if you're there to check out, even though you have nothing.

- Tell him you want an iPod.

- He pulls you out of line in pedophile fashion and begins to offer you one of four million accessories/warrantees/sexual favors.

- Five minutes later he produces a plastic tube and charges you $206.45 for it. You pray there is an iPod inside, but at this point you could care less.

- Get the hell out.

This is really a metaphor for what home is to me. Everything is nicer, but at a terrible cost. People expect you to do things you don't want to do, because you're used to lazying about in your dorm room all day. They act offended when you sleep until 11 a.m. because they have to work.

When I go out, I am reminded of why I stay inside. Everyone has the "I'm the shit" aura. They want you to see the Starbucks. They want you to see their Sushi lunch. They want you to verify their empty existence, as if they are trying to say "Yeah, look, you thought I was stupid, but I made it." I take such intense pleasure in ignoring them. When I see in my periphery that they are looking at me, begging for a moment of recognition, it's not even scorn, it's pity.

At college, the douches are at least confined to certain quarters, and like a defensively dangerous animal, they will leave you alone if you leave them alone. Women will get drunk and forfeit their principles, claiming it was nothing in an attempt to recover their self-esteem. The men will laugh, and add another tick to their walls. The wonderful thing about this is that it is so remarkably simple to remove yourself from this tragic opera. Surely there is no more apt definition of "Hell" than when the things you despise are forced upon you.

My girlfriend is overseas having the time of her life. I am sitting at home, too embarrassed to go out with my family, stricken with pneumonia, shamefully listening to my new iPod. I've gained 10 lbs of pure fat. Every time I crack my neck, I pray that this is the one where I push it too far and sever my neck bone. The best time I've had so far on this break is when I was in the doctor's office and I could lie down by myself on the patient bed an enjoy 5 minutes of sweet silence. After it was over, I was approached by a man more successful than I will ever be who told me a violent bacteria is attacking my right lung, which is why it feels like I've been punched in the chest eight hours of every day.

Thank goodness, I reply. At least someone's having a good time.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Why people hate going to class...

No, it's not because you'd rather wake up at 2 in the afternoon. It's not even because you hate learning and would rather take Everclear to the face until you vomit yourself inside-out. It's because there's so many weird ass motherfuckers that do so much weird shit that you find yourself clenching your fists everytime somebody acts a damn fool. I have found four basic qualities of people that personally make me upset, and I assume at least one of those makes you want to treat their face like a baked potato. Just split it open and add all the fixins. Then you be Big Lurch and you feast on that shit until the cops detain you.

1) Why you talk so quiet but you stay answerin questions? Can't nobody hear yo ass. You sit in the front and center of the class. That's fine. You answer questions that the teacher asks without making unnecessary comments, and you don't ask the dumbest questions known to man. More power to you. But when you do talk, for some reason, you think that you and the teacher are talking and there's about 150 sleeping, light-sleeping babies around. Whispering is an understatement. And let's hope that 3/4 of the class is sitting behind you and you have your back to everybody, so nobody can hear ANYTHING you're saying. Most of the time, I'm chilling in the back corner (I'll get to why it isn't all the time later), and so you are speaking so that I cannot hear A SINGLE....WORD...THAT YOU...ARE SAYING. So don't do it. Speak like there's people trying to hear whatever you have to say, because - newsflash - THERE ARE. Nobody likes it when you're talking like there's a tiger trying to listen in to your conversation.

2) Why you answerin questions, but you just talkin to yoself? Then yo ass is wrong, lookin all dumb and shit. You're sitting in class and your teacher asks a question. Then you hear a bunch of people kinda mumble the answer, say it half-assedly, nothing special. But then the teacher asks a rhetorical question, and you hear a whisper come from right next to you. "The inverse square law." But everybody knew that. Nobody needed you to say anything at all. But you did. Not loud enough for the asker to hear, but loud enough for you to make me wonder why you answered. I can't even be funny about this. Just don't do it while I'm around, because you might hear me mumble something that rhymes with 'docksucker' right in your face, bitch.

3) Why you noddin yo head every 3 seconds like you interviewin Peyton Manning at halftime? Tell me that. You're looking in front of you trying to pay attention to the teacher, maybe. Just pretending you're taking a class called Trapanomics 394, and your teacher is lecturing. "As referenced in many Shawty Lo, Gucci Mane, and Yo Gotti songs..." [head nods] "...among many others..." [rapid head nods] "...a brick of cocaine priced at $17, 500 is considered to be a good starting point for price." Then another head nod or two, or seven. OK, the teacher knows you're paying attention, but there's about 25 people who are on Facebook, e-mail, or their favorite blog, so you're not making him or her that much happier. So stop making it all about you, sit back, and listen, or don't, just do you in your own world.

4) This one pisses me off the least, but for the shortest amount of time. This is the classic late afternoon on a hot, hazy, humid summer day thunderstorm of anger. There's no assigned seats, but if you're sitting in a somewhat crowded class, you find a seat and within about three weeks, everybody knows where they're going to sit for the rest of the semester, more or less. So when I walk in to my 9AM class (already groggy and pissed off) at 8:59 and you're in the seat that I'm ready to pass out in, you got me riled up ready to throw a bitch right out the window. But I won't care about 5 minutes later. You're lucky.

So just quit acting weird in class. There's no reason for that. Sit down and shut up, or answer questions that are supposed to be answered. Go ahead and make comments or answer questions, but remember that we don't all have bionic ears, no matter what you might think. Speaking at a normal tone isn't going to hurt us.

Feel free to leave a comment about what other things piss you off in class, student, teacher, or whatever else.

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Juelz Applewhite

Everybody that isn't young as shit know this dude. Maybe you don't remember him, or maybe you were out of the country for months on end in 1997, or maybe you were young as shit. Maybe you were in the cult when the Hale-Bopp Comet showed up, and then you took your journey and made your way around the universe and then showed back up in a new form. This guy is was the leader of the Heaven's Gate Cult, Marshall Applewhite.

There's no reason to go into detail, just go to Wikipedia and look for "Heaven's Gate." Read about it if you don't know.

Juelz Santana.

What the hell does that have to do with anything. Here's what. Feast your eyes on THIS.

This picture was taken from the Pop Champagne video by Jim Jones, Ron Browz, and Juelz Santana. I've seen the video maybe a dozen times, and I never really thought about this until just now, which is why I'm blogging on a Friday night. Anyway, you tell me just how much or how little alike they look.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Try to find this on eBay...

WARNING: This is going to be a very graphic post. Go here if you'd like to see the story, but if you wanna hear the Neighborhood Bully's take on this, keep reading. You've been warned.

ALERT: It is 8 degrees. Not 80, not 18...8...E-I-G-H-T. SHIT.

Her body and face are the color of the before and after teeth in a tooth whitening strip commercial, respectively.

Be warned, I didn't read the article very well, and I only saw what I wanted to read, so there's a LOT of bias.

Anyway, Natalie Dylan (that bitch) is 22 years old and has a degree in women's studies. Pretty useful. In this bust it economy, it's good to know that people will sacrifice getting a good job to take four years of reading books by feminists with a bunch of lesbians whose ideas of partying include munching carpet, eating box, and roast beef, with a ham sandwich on the side, and maybe some juices the same color as a Shirley Temple, but a little thicker and with chunks in them.

This bitch wants to go to grad school. I don't know why, or for what, but she needs cash. She wants to also buy a house and help out her family, be financially stable (because buying 2 houses and going to school and paying off debts and bills would leave you with plenty of extra money), and so on. Good for you, get your money, get that paper. However, I still think you're a very dirty whore, even though you've never fucked...vaginally. That's right, she fucked in the ass (probably more than once) and probably throws her mouth onto dicks like a fly onto a Ethiopian child's face. No vag though. You will never get respect from me.

She's fixin to get $3.7 million. That's more than I will ever see in my life. EVER. I would like to write down a sentence few sentences a bunch of sentences that describe what you'll be getting if you win a fuckfest with this girl.

These are the worst words I've ever said coming up.

  • You are spending the cost of 3.52 million McDoubles at McDonalds to have awkward sober sex with a girl that has never done that before and surely doesn't know what to do.
  • You can be sure that her hymen will bust, and she'll try to keep from laughing when you pull your 3-4 inch penis out of her extremely tight vagina that you may or may not have torn. You won't be happy about that.
  • Your dick will be covered with a broken condom and a lot of blood, and so will your clothes that you accidentally left on the bed.
  • She won't suck your dick before sex, because she's not a whore,
  • She definitely won't suck your dick afterward because she doesn't like the taste of copper and fungus, which will be wafting into her nose from your dick after coitus.
  • She won't kiss you because she doesn't love you. Come on.
  • You'll be forced to leave immediately after she's done, which will be under 5 minutes.
  • She'll wait until the cherry is popped and say that it's over.
  • She didn't orgasm, but you did - four minutes ago.
  • And you jammed it in so hard, so you broke the condom and impregnated her.
  • But you don't care, because you can say that you did the prepaid, lump-sum child support and force her to use it all on the child.
  • Sucks for her.
  • And oh yeah, it turns out that that one prostitute you paid $25 for a blowjob had a cold sore. You know the rest. Pretend like the herpes is a football and Natalie Dylan is Larry Fitzgerald. Caught in the endzone (pun intended) .... You know, endzone, asshole, maybe he can slip it in there. Just the tip.

But it's all good because she got a lot of money and only had to give her redwood forest-covered vagina up. And her dignity, she'll give that up too. Oh wait, she already did.


BONUS: My NFL picks that have not been thought through at all:

  • Steelers over Ravens, 24-17 - Joe Flacco is not that good, and nothing I ever want to happen happens, so I'll pick the team I hate more. Ed Reed will make me swoon twice.

  • Cardinals over Eagles, 26-17 - This is a tossup for me, so I picked the team I don't want to win. Donovan McNabb will pull a can of Chunky Soup out of his pants and eat it in the endzone.

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An Hero

The greatest thing since sliced bread, which I'm pretty sure he invented.

Here's a quiz for you. You're in an airplane when a militant goose decides to sacrifice himself in the name of Allah and throw himself at your engine with the aim of murdering everyone inside. Do you:

A) Drink every ounce of alcohol on the plane and begin to commit misogynistic acts.
B) Listen to MC ThugznJugz's hit single "Dunkin Deeeznuts" to remind yourself it could be worse.
D) Land the plane on the water because landing it on an airstrip is too easy.

The answer is, of course, B.

This pilot's name is Chesley Sullenberger. That name would be terrible if it didn't belong to this titan of a man. He is a combination of Jesus, Han Solo, Bruce Lee, Charles Lindberg, and Michelle Obama. His dick Super Size, your dick two fries. Not only did he land a 747 in the Hudson River (which is the impossible choice D), nobody died and he got off the plane about half an hour after everyone else because he wanted to see the end of the in-flight movie ("Friday After Next", starring Ice Cube). He also landed in freezing cold water, which I assume was to spite the passengers for praying to their respective gods instead of praying to him while he was saving their asses.

Chesley will be featured in the upcoming video game Gears of War 7. He will be playing the role of planet Earth.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Got that McRib Love

I am happy to announce that, after multiple international farewell tours, the McRib has once again returned to McDonalds menus across America.  Unfortunately, the gloriously saucy meat patty isn't available everywhere yet.  In fact, I'm starting to get the feeling that McDonalds is purposefully shorting the supply on the sandwich so they can turn it into the Bigfoot of fast food and charge McRib-starved customers out the ass when they manage to hunt one down.
Even if it is some corporate scheme to translate viral marketing to the fast food menu, I'll be hunting down a few McRibs to shove down my own throat this weekend.  That's why I'm bringing you the best site on the internet right now.  That's right, this URL is on it's grustle and it goes hard.  It's about to blow up bigger than Google.  Not only does this site tell you where to find the McRib closest to you, it actually tells you how recently the hunks of deliciously processed meat were seen.  So, be sure to grab your own McSasquatch before it goes out of stock again.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spread the word like butter

Now it's easier than EVER to let the world know what we think (we need a nickname for the six bloggers, Jena 6 was in bad taste so I'm still taking suggestions). There's hella buttons below each post (or at least there should be) and so if you see a post you or somebody you know would like, use one of those buttons to spread the hypebashing that we do over the World Wide Web. More Haterade to come from all of us in the very new future.

For now, enjoy this - if you can keep yourself from watching it three times, you're a better person than I.

Extra video: Gucci Mane swings at Mac Bree-Z (a girl). Pay attention starting at about 1:53 into the video.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Gucci Blondana

What haaaaaapenin' baaaaaaby?

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

The WORST word of 2009

(from left to right: stereotypical blonde bitch, stereotypical blonde bitch, out of place bitch that nobody cares about, and another blonde bitch)

Before I start, you should probably know that I hate girls that think their shit smells like the area around the Cinnabon stand in your local mall. You'll probably learn everything else you need to know as you read through this post.

Let's move on.

So it's like 7:45 and, shockingly, I have nothing to watch on TV. I'm flipping through the channels and I see that Rock of Love Bus is on, so I decide to watch the episode that I've seen already more than once. The episode goes along, nothing special, same shit, fightin', drinkin', and altogether cuntin' it up like they always do about this time. So they're at elimination and there's a lot of girls from the pink bus (there's that and the blue bus; most of the blonde trash is on the pink bus) and this one dirty slut Gia's confessional thing comes on and she says something that made me cringe. I'll try to quote it as best I can.

"...and I see all my girls from the pink bus go on to the next round and I say 'No, you can't send my girls home, you can't break up the Blondetourage.'..."

As soon as that last word came out of her mouth, I did this:

and then I did that again, and again, and again.

Blondetourage? Seriously?!? As clever as it is (and I will admit, it's very clever), it's still the worst thing ever, because it just means that any girl that decides to bleach her hair can automatically join, and as soon as her roots spring right back out of her scalp, she's out again. That's garbage. But there's no way the girl who had another girl take a shot out of her vagina (yes, that REALLY happened) could think that up. So I go to the trusty Google and search for "blondetourage." First result was: - Celebrate the Blonde in All of Us!

I went. The last time I went to a website and regretted it this much, (WARNING: SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU'RE EASILY UPSET) I opened a video of a man with both hands fully in a girl's asshole with tons of anal lube. The man was moving his hands around in a motion that people do when washing their hands or trying to warm their hands up in front of the fireplace, or a steel trash can with fire coming out of it. Also, he might have been clapping while inside. Make sure you turn the sound on too. It's like birds chirping during a dawn in late April.

Go ahead and check out if you want, and even search for "Texas Hand Washer (the grosser one), I'm not even going to tell you what's there. There's more ads and videos and Flash and images and shit than a Russian porn site on Blondetourage, so don't be surprised if you do decide to visit it.

I looked through the website again, and I want to puke, because they have Blondegerie. Yeah. Refer to the second picture. That's it - I'm pissed off now.

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ShamWOW / Slap Chop

You know that Germans always make good stuff!

Vince is the guy weak douchebag right up there that would tell somebody he'd kick their fuckin' ass in a club, but then he would take off his Mets jacket and be the 5'10", 148 pound piece of shit that he is, with his pussy ass 1998 spiky hair and his Jim Carrey from either The Mask or Ace Ventura mixed with a velociraptor lookin' face. I'm going to call your fauxhawk a fo'hawk, because your little hairdo is fo' assholes. Get the hell out of here with that bullshit.

And then his demeanor. His demeanor should be a misdemeanor. Damn, I am on my A-game tonight. I am just slaying tonight. I'll be here all week. Anyway, he got an accent like if Arthur Fonzarelli and the dude whose daughter was having a wedding in The Godfather had a child together out of wedlock, and then abandoned it in the asshole of New Jersey (that's like saying an armpit could have an asshole), only to be raised by the worst of the worst New Jerseyians, who teach him their ways of speaking, which obviously are flat out wrong.

Other than that, I love this man. He cares about the ShamWOW like Rosie O'Donnell cares about munching carpet. A LOT. He's just a misguided dude with some terrible accent, but his energy makes up for it and then some. Vince could start demonstrating how to use a new machine that chews food for you, and he could probably do such a good job of showing me how easy it is that I would pay $39.99 + S&H.

Just watch as he powers through this commercial. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and all I got was a piece of history and the joy of watching this man do his stuff. Best case scenario, the ShamWOWs get sent with an autographed picture of him crankin' dat Roy (the second video). By the way, how does that look for a touchdown dance, because I think it's pretty damn tight.

If you have a ShamWOW, send a picture of you using it to, and I may do terrible, terrible things to myself while I'm looking at it.

ShamWOW Infocommercial:

Crank Dat Roy (hot shit):

P.S. I just realized - nothing bad has ever happened in Germany. I might have to live there. Prove me wrong.
And Slap Chop is here: more of the same old Vince. Might be worth a watch, might not be.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This bitch needs to get off of my TV. Seriously get a new fucking expression.

I'll tolerate this continuing because I'd definitely fuck her. For 3 reasons:

1) She's on TV
2) She clearing has the Jungle Fever as exhibited by her drooling over some old black dude that no one's ever heard of in a halloween costume
3) She's white

Seriously, this commercial makes me too angry for words.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Bout ta get her azz beat

This blog has more shit going on in it than Paris Hilton's vagina at a teenager's rainbow party fueled by cheap vodka and ecstasy. But for this one post at least, we're going to get to the original point, which was opening the curtains that hype creates, and showing what I think is really going on, which just ends up really being the truth.

This bitch here.

She goes by the name of Megan on all 1048 reality shows that she's been a part of. They all end up, of course, with her looking like an attention-starved whore who's poised for success doomed for a life of uselessness. It's ok though, because somehow, someday, some one dude will learn to love her fuck her dry and never speak to or listen to her outside of the bedroom. I just learned how to strikethrough words for comedic (or maybe comic, or comical??? Help me here...) effect. Soon she'll get even more ugly than she is now (look at that face) and so the dude will get the fuck out while he still can, hopefully without letting this useless trash whore get any of that sweet sweet money.

Maybe her trollop ways are fake. Or maybe not at all.

All she did in her latest load of shit, Rock of Love Girls: Charm School with Sharon Osbourne, was manipulate obviously fragile girls to do things that she wanted. Being able to manipulate is one thing; being able to manipulate girls that you think might have been touched as children is like convincing Lisa Lampanelli to fuck Lexington Steele. It's really not that hard. Anyway, she made it kind of far, and then Sharon said (verbatim), "Fuck this bitch, I'm getting way hella tired of her shit, she needs to git ta steppin'." I was thrilled. Then she comes back on the final episode and tries to fuck up Brandi M's shit. Didn't work, you bitch. So then she comes on the reunion show either drunk or stupid. Well, stupider. She runs her mouth and Sharon gets tired of this unattractive cum dumpster and Sharon throws down.

Here's how she acts before my girl Sharon Osbourne shows her what happens when you fuck with somebody who isn't on a reality show (at that moment) trying to pretend like they're not a huge pornobitch. I give this video a 10 out of 10, and also my vote for Best Picture.

The aftermath is here and here.

How do YOU feel about this tramp? Feel free to comment on either side of the situation.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

My History Teacher Touched Me!!!

Me and my ho were walking around the mall a few days ago. The bitch wanted me to buy her one of those new Mac's because her Dell was more than two years old and running out of space. I asked her why I couldn't just buy her another PC and she gave me some bullshit schtick[sic [sic]] about how Windows Vista breaks down and can't do artistic things. Why an asian biology major who can't perform a decent blowjob cares about "artistic things" is beyond me. I then suggested I get her a computer with Windows XP and more capacity. She then cried and told me Zhingyi Zhang's boyfriend got her a new mac and iphone and made a big scene in the mall. People started laughing. I got pissed. I handed her a 24 pack box of condoms and told her to start working 495 if she wanted that artistic mac so badly. Toll booth operators need sex too.

After that the ho slapped me and left. It kind of turned me on. It also made me hungry. I went to the food court and ordered some Fish and Chips from a Surf and Turf grill. As I was deciding what drink to get, I overheard two girls in line talking about how they hated their history teacher. They started going on about ways to get him fired. One girl then said how her father was a lawyer and maybe they could sue this poor douche bag. The other girl then said instead that they could report to the cops that he touched them when explaining the Florida Peninsula (ba dum dum... It's shaped like a penis for all of you who substitute your actual high school classes by listening to Nas and Young Jeezy). They decided to do it. I missed out on the last few bits of the conversation though since I decided to go with Fanta.

It got me wondering. What's to say we can't just go up to a high school teacher and say he touched me? Thanks to this new liberal belief of pointing fingers, many youngsters no longer have any pride. I mean what kind of self-respecting 13 year old would volunteer to act as a gay boy hungry for older dick on AIM just to win Chris Hansen's approval (why does the kid have to even be a real 13 year old and not an actual cop)? I'm pretty sure his father is really supportive of how his son's part-time job is helping to put his old ass through night school. I just think we all need to buckle down and stop with the fagatronics. I'm not sure where I'm going with this since I'm too pissed at my bitch right now. I also desperately need head. Any takers? It's what Young Jeezy would tell you to do.

"Plus I done it with your [Chinese] wife, she said I made her night, but I didn't hit her back cuz her mouth wasn't right"

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